Users can clearly view the following information to check on the health of the backup

Protection Level

Genie Timeline informs users of the status of the backup with the new protection level feature. This feature enables users to keep track of the process of their backup by showing the percentage of protected files. 100% means that all files are protected, there is nothing to backup, ;and 0% denotes that there are no files protected. When the protection level drops under 60%, it will show as a warning that the protection level is low. The Protection level decreases if:

  • New files were added to backup ;and they are still not backed up.
  • Significant file changes occurred between backups.
  • The backup is not working because Genie Timeline is paused, backup drive is inaccessible, or insufficient free space.


This section shows:

  • What Genie Timeline is backing up or doing at that moment.
  • When the last backup occurred.
  • When the next backup will run.
  • The first date you started protection.
  • Compression ;and security information.
  • Free space of the drive ;and if it is necessary to take action in changing the drive.
  • Number of files taken into backup ;and pending files for the next run.

Backup Breakdown Bar

A bar that shows how the major file types distribute in the backup. Clicking on this line will show the Backup Breakdown.

Backup Breakdown

A distribution of file types in the backup. For each file type, the total size, number of files, ;and percentage of backup is displayed.