Genie Timeline Pro ;and Server editions offer advanced filtering options on all or specific path. Users can include, exclude file extensions or regular expressions.

To Add Filters:

  1. In Modify Data Selections, click on Filter my selections.
  2. In the Advanced Filters dialog, click the Add button.
  3. In the Add Filter dialog you have the option to filter either:
    • All Selections: Where the filter rule will apply on all your data selections from Smart Selection ;and My computer.
    • Specified path: Where the filter will apply on the path you have selected by browsing. If this path is not selected in My Computer, please select it in order for the filter to be applied.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Include only the following extensions or expressions: This will only backup the specified file extensions or expressions to the backup.
    • Exclude only the following extensions or expressions: This will backup everything except the specified file extensions or expressions.
  5. In the enabled text box, specify the extensions or regular expression you wish to filter, if you have entered a regular expression, make sure to enable the Regular Expression option.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

To Edit Filters:

  1. In Modify Data Selections, click on Filter my selections.
  2. In the Advanced Filters dialog, select the filter you wish to edit, then click the Edit button.
  3. In the Edit Filter dialog, modify your filtering options.
  4. Click OK to save changes.


  • Separate file extensions with semi colon ;and add a dot “.” before each extension (ex: .doc;.txt)
  • The Advanced filtering is not available in the Home ;and Free editions. To filter My Computer selections in those editions, please go to File filtering.